Fixed Rate Remortgages And Mortgages Are Losing Their Appeal.
We are now well into the second year of the credit crisis in the UK, and many UK citizens has found their economic position very precarious.
Redundancies have been the main reason for this economic chaos. Many firms have stream lined their work force to cut down on over heads in the hope of emerging from the recession with their doors still open.
Obviously the whole of the UK work force has not suffered in this way, but even some people still in work are earning less now due to such things as working three or four days a week now instead of the usual five.
As everything else as regards finances constantly on the move every month, they felt that they owed it to themselves to have one aspect of their outgoings the same month after month.
What this one thing was , was the remortgage or mortgage payment.
This lead to the popularity of the fixed rate remortgage and mortgage.A mortgage is a home loan with which you purchase a property. A remortgage is when a mortgage is moved from one mortgage lender to another either to obtain a better rate of interest or to raise additional funds for a number of purposes.
With a fixed rate remortgage or mortgage the homeowner has the security of knowing exactly how much he will pay for his mortgage each month for a specific number of years which could be anything from one to ten years.
This allowed for some sort of financial certainly in uncertain times.
Now however some remortgage and mortgage lenders have reduced the interest rates for their variable products while at the same time keeping their fixed rates at the same rate as before.
Fixed rate mortgages were always more expensive that variable rates, but now the difference is greater than before.
This has lead to a slump in the demand for fixed rate mortgages and remortgages, and in September and October about 70% of mortgage applications are now for variable rates as the fixed rates are now considered as too expensive.
Learn more about remortgages. Stop by Champion Finance’s site where you can find out all about a remortgage and what it can do for you.