How Do People End Up In Bad Credit?
With credit so easily obtained it is no surprise that most of us are in debt. The ability to charge your purchases and pay for them later has all but ruined this country. There is no need to save for the things you want; you simply charge it to one of your many credit cards.
The top reason for bankruptcy is credit card debt. The interest rates on some cards are beyond belief. The low monthly payments will never allow you to pay the debt off with such high interest rates attached.
Your credit rating suffers the most due to the debt to income ratio. Your debt to income ratio is a disaster with high credit card balances showing on your credit report. It will appear as if you cannot afford any new loans, this hurts if you are trying to buy a home. The payments on the accounts may be low but those high balances show you spend more than you earn. Credit ratings suffer when it shows you have over extended yourself with debt. You become trapped with the debt with no easy way to get rid of it.
Just by paying the minimum payment required you will never see a reduction in your debt. The options you have are few. You may have never missed a payment and always pay on time but in reality your credit rating is still being damaged by the large balances that you owe. Your debt to income ratio is a large portion of what makes up your credit score.
Debt consolidation services are an option that many people look at for help. The services bring promises of debt elimination and repaired credit ratings as well as peace of mind.
Your high interest debt will be the first priority. Your number one goal is to remove all high interest debt first so that you can start paying off your actual debt.
You may be offered a debt consolidation loan at a lower interest rate to combine all your high interest rate debts in to one low interest payment. This type of loan will allow you to start paying the debt down. If you continued to pay the loans as you had been there would be no way to ever reduce them let alone pay them off. The debt consolidation loan allows you to see the debt decrease with each payment, making your goal so much easier to obtain.
Your goal becomes reachable as you begin to notice the debt decrease. One strategy for eliminating the debt faster is to make extra payments. By making a bi-weekly payment instead of a monthly one you are able to make two extra payments a year without any affects to your budget. This strategy reduces the length of the loan as well as the amount of interest you pay. The purpose of the debt consolidation loan is to get you back on track, allow you to see the light at the end of the tunnel and to allow you to breathe easy once again with the debt removed from your shoulders.
Susan Reynolds is a content coordinator a leading South African Debt Consolidation Portal. For more information visit: