Get Your Credit Fixed Now
Real credit repair fixes, solutions, tactics.
No matter what you want to call them, they can help you turn your credit around in a matter of months. I’ll hit on two basic points here, but first I want you to know that most of the time, credit repair takes patience–usually a minimum of 30 to 100 days. It all depends on what needs to be fixed. This is important for you depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. If you’re looking to buy a home soon or a car, be sure to get started now. Better credit in a mortgage situation means lower payments for 30 years. That’s a lot of savings.
Send dispute letter before you do anything else.
This tactic involves more than just mailing a dispute letter challenging the validity of a collection. Credit reporting companies have, at times, many addresses that you can find on a good credit repair manual. When you send dispute letters you are not required to send it to any specific address. Rather than send it to each of the different addresses, choose the one you think is the best and send it certified mail with return receipt request. That way, you know they received it and it’s up to them to get it to the right department.
Credit repair fix number two, the re-aging of your debts.
This is quite common for credit bureaus to do, but it is illegal. Basically, when some lender reports you late on a certain day and then another collection agency takes the account, that new agency may change the default day to the day they took the account. Since that is not the true day that you defaulted, you can legally make them remove it. They principle is that they cannot affect you credit for an additional amount of time, which they have when they do this.
Real credit repair fixes are a sure fire way to get bad credit out of your life.
On the next article we’ll arm you with more by covering briefly other beneficial credit repair tactics.