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Tips for Becoming Debt Free Without Giving Up Your Life

Becoming debt free is a journey that can takes months or even years. It will be a relief and you’ll be able to live with a lot less stress when you finally accomplish it. If you become totally debt free you’ll be ahead of a lot of other people who will never get their feelings of elation. Here are some tips on how to experience financial freedom while still living life to the fullest.

Focus on your purpose and keep it in mind constantly. It might be overbearing to think of all the money that you need to pay off. Your financial plan will probably have to be worked over a large chunk of time and you may question if it’s even worth it. You need to mark your achievements so you can see that you are getting closer. You can also focus on little items that you can accomplish that will work towards the big picture.

Keep your eye on the prize. You may want to create a desktop wallpaper or physical bulletin board to help you track your progress. This might mean that you put a graph of how much you’ve achieved each month on the refrigerator. This will help you celebrate your small accomplishments while focusing on where you are going.

Find something other than spending to focus on. You’ll have to make a lot of changes when you are becoming debt free. Spend all of your new spare time volunteering or exploring and inexpensive activity so you can serve your community. Use your time to be productive instead of just wasting money.

You’ll need to sensible when planning out your expenses. If the money is so tight that you can’t even live then you won’t stick with the program. Give yourself a little leeway instead of just stopping all social activities and dinners with friends until you are debt free. Plan for a little spending cash so you can still have fun. You should also allocate funds for the basic minimum of cosmetics and clothes and then turn it into a game by finding highly discounted items or changing where and how you shop.

Find a support group; this could be an online forum or your spouse. You may even want to start a blog that will help you track your journey to becoming debt free that can rack you in a little extra cash. This will help you when you are feeling weak and give you the opportunity to inspire other people.

To learn much more about living debt free visit LDB. You’ll find this and much more, including attracting money.

Incoming search terms:

Merchant accounts allow businesses to accept payment for goods or services via credit cards. They are contracts between an acquiring bank who extends a line of credit to the merchant.

Did you know that customers are more likely to purchase from businesses that offer credit card facilities? Statistics show that businesses using merchant accounts can see an immediate increase in the number of sales. These statistics are based on the average cash sale being only $9, while the average credit card sale is approximately $40.

Regardless of the type of business, the availability of merchant accounts will definitely improve your cash flow in several ways. Below are some benefits for using merchant accounts:

- Having credit card facilities means customers can purchase right on the spot.

- Processing fees for merchant accounts can be lower than check transaction fees.

- Issues about debt collection will become the bank’s problem, not yours.

There are obvious and clear benefits to having merchant account facilities in your business. There are also drawbacks that should be examined as well.

- You will have to institute measures to protect your business from credit card fraud.

- You may need to examine and possibly revise your policies concerning charge-backs and refunds to minimize damages.

- If you accept credit card payments via your website, be certain youre using fraud protection measures to minimize scams, thefts and fraudulent charges

Setting Up Merchant Accounts

Setting up a merchant account can be relatively simple. You will need to set up a bank account for your company for the proceeds of any credit card purchases to be credited to. You will also need to lease processing equipment and software that will facilitate transactions.

If you’re planning to process credit cards via your company’s website, then you’ll need to register with a payment gateway like VirtualNet or CyberCash. You should also make sure that the merchant account software you’re using will be compatible with your online payment gateway.

Merchant Account Comparisons

Before you call your bank to get a merchant account, take the time to compare the options and offerings of several different banking institutions, in addition to merchant account providers. Fees and charges often vary greatly, so its very important to check what you’ll be charged and what fees are likely for each transaction.

For example, fees could include initial start-up costs, monthly lease fees for equipment, transaction fees…even sales volume costs and processing fees. Ask any potential provider for a written list of all the fees you’ll be charged so you can compare them accurately with other vendors.

Merchant Account Charges and Fees

Most providers will charge some form of application fee. This can vary from $0 up to $100 and sometimes more depending on your lender.

You will also need to pay for your software, which will have an initial cost of around $80-$100. Once the software is installed, you’ll then have to pay the licensing lease on the software, which could be anywhere between $20-$50 per month. Once again it depends on your lender.

On top of these, you will incur transaction fees that range between $0.20-$0.50 per transaction. While these don’t sound high, if you process a lot of transactions they can really add up.

Other fees to query with your chosen merchant account provider are statement fees, charge back fees, close-out fees, minimum usage fees, annual fees and account keeping fees.

David P. Montana has been a recognized industry expert, business consultant and author in commercial collection agencies and other business services for thirty years. Read more valuable tools and resources, including negotiating tactics, and important red flags and pitfalls to avoid when considering merchant accounts.

Debt Slaves: Barely Hanging On

Are you days away from being evicted? Are you more than six months behind on your mortgage? Are creditors harassing you? Do you loath checking the mail? Do you wake up in the middle of the night, terrified creditors are at the door? Do terms like consumer debt settlement make more and more sense? Well, for what it’s worth, you’re not alone.

Like 85% of households in the US, you probably live from paycheck to paycheck. Should something happen and that next paycheck disappear, you’d be in ruins. Unfortunately, this is also all too common. Welcome to life in the 21st century. Not all you thought it was going to be, eh?

No one grows up to be a debtor. It’s something that happens while you’re busy making other plans. It’s something that happens while you’re in school, working hard to earn your degree in fine arts or poetry. You relied too heavily on credit and student loans to get you through, convinced that your brilliance was going to save the day.

Welcome to the rest of your life. While you may well be brilliant, turns out no one is willing to pay you for it. The days of sheer brilliance paying your bills and putting food on the table came and went with Pollack and Nash. That part-time job now means everything and I bet you’re wishing you had majored in something a bit more…practical.

Yes, you should have listened to dear old dad when he warned you. Now, your fall back isn’t mathematics or computer engineering. It’s the $9.00 an hour you earn as a cashier at Whole Foods. Not exactly the best recipe for getting out of debt or taking care of a family. Yes, that old drowning feeling is back and it’s here to stay.

You need to start paying attention to terms like consumer debt settlement and carefully weighing your options in life.

Incoming search terms:

Having the ability to take credit cards for a home based business or an on-line business is very important to it’s success. This is the reasin why everyone who is running, or wants to run one of these types of businesses, must get the most effective merchant account they can.

A merchant account is a system that enables individuals to take orders by credit cards. There are a number of organizations which will provide an individual with a merchant account, but, it is an extremely competitive marketplace and some organizations can use harsh sales methods in an attempt to induce people to sign up.

Because of this folks who are wanting to sign up for merchant accounts should be very careful. The cost of an account can be split up into several different areas, that will change from provider to account provider.

But, most accounts will include a normal rate with each transaction, in addition to a flat transaction charge.

To totally understand how much it will cost to accept credit card payments, its vital to find a provider that will offer a full consultation to each prospective client, rather than just a sales speech.

A full consultation can permit a company to get a full understanding of all the charges which will be applied to an account, so they can know exactly what the costs involved will be.

This means that they’ll be able to do a proper comparison between the different merchant account providers. It additionally permits folks to determine which companies give the most focus customer service, due to the fact that just companies that are focused with client service are prepared to offer consultations.

In fact client service is also a key factor in selecting the most effective merchant account companies. Companies need to have a strong customer focus and also have an excellent technical infrastructure.

If there are technical problems, as there invariably are at some stage, then an individual must be confident that their merchant account company can be able to get problems corrected as quickly as they can.

If credit cards cannot be processed then profits are lost. The best method to establish this is by looking for companies that have client service teams that are split into account focused teams and technical teams.

Another area to look at is the length of contract someone has to sign when they join up with a company.

There are some firms that impose long term contracts, however this is always a risk, because nobody will be sure what the future will bring, or the exact service a specific company can offer.

As a result of of that, it’s usually wise to settle on firms that offer month to month or a rolling contract.

To see an independent review of the Online Merchant Account companies, just Read This.

Very Bad Credit Credit Cards

If you have very bad credit, and you are looking or trying to get a credit card, you may not be able to get the kind of credit card you are used to. That is a unsecured credit card. Basically, an unsecured credit card is the type of card that has no collateral attached to it other than your promise to pay. Having an unsecured credit card is a great tool but very bad credit credit cards are going to be hard to come by.

Enter the secured credit card…

Secured credit card

Two elements combine to create a secured credit card. First, a savings account must be set in the bank intends to issue credit cards. The withdrawal results in a savings to balance the reduction or elimination of the credit line. When the withdrawal of balance to the credit card is still the savings account can not be allowed at all. Deposits required may vary from $ 50.00 – $ 15,000.00. Read the rest of this entry

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