Rent to Own, Lease Option to Buy Gives Buyers Time to Improve Credit
Rent to Own, Lease Option to Buy Gives Buyers Time to Improve Credit
ReMax True Advantage’s agent Ezell, has been working with various clients pertaining home loans and provided them with great deals with reasonable prices. According to her, the current financial crisis prevents people from buying houses, but with the new rent-to-own terms, they have both the time to clear their credit and own a house.
The houses that Ezell sells allows the client the right to refuse to purchase the house they will rent, they will be required however, to pay an option fee which is 2 percent of the total price of the house if ever it were to be bought.
The number of houses sold is now waning compared to the last two years. Most of the landlords that Ezell deals with are very much willing to sell their properties but due to the fact that there are too many homes in the market and very little interested buyers, leasing the property is their best option at the moment.
Aldo Aguirre a military member, is selling homes and also open to rent to own terms. According to him, it is beneficial for military members such as himself to rent to own a house. His job requires him to move from place to place and he must rent or sell his house once he is based elsewhere.
He currently owns a house in North Carolina under a rent-to-own deal, he says it has been very beneficial for himself and his buyer. The contract expands within 2 years and both parties would have to agree on a price for the house for its expected market value after 2 years’ time.
In these terms, Mr. Aguirre is getting payments from rent which takes care of the house’s mortgage and at the same time, the client takes care of the lot. The rent-to-own contracts are very popular to a buyer who are interested to buy a house but currently lacks the financials to purchase it.